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Fountain of Wealth – Suntec City , Singapore

The Fountain of Wealth is recognized since 1998 by the Guinness Book Of World Records as the largest fountain in the world. It is located in the hub of one of Singapore’s largest shopping malls, the Suntec City.
The fountain is made of silicon bronze, and consists of a circular ring with a circumference of 66 meters supported by four legs. It occupies an area of 1,683 square meters, with a height of 13.8m. The base of the fountain is located underground, on the level of the main basement restaurant area of Suntec City. The circular ring top of the fountain is visible at ground level.

The Fountain of Wealth, and in fact Suntec City as a whole, was constructed in accordance to feng shui principles. Surrounding it are five office blocks representing the fingers and thumb of a left hand emerging from the ground, and the Fountain of Wealth symbolizes the ring in the palm of the hand, guaranteeing the retention of wealth. In Chinese culture, water symbolizes wealth and life and the inward movement of water signifies the preservation of wealth for Suntec City.
During certain periods of the day, the main fountain is turned off, so visitors are able to walk around a mini fountain at the center of the fountain’s base for good luck. At night, the fountain is the setting for laser performances, as well as “live” song and laser message dedications.

source from:  worldtoptop


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